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Due to demographic change, we are witnessing a significant increase in life expectancy, which
determines a population of increasingly older and biologically fragile vascular patients.
This condition requires the search for diagnostic procedures and therapeutic techniques that have the
least possible impact on the precarious physio-pathological balance.
Luckily, technological development supports the growth of increasingly less invasive treatments that can
be well tolerated by frail patients.
For this reason, Vascular Surgery is experiencing a moment of great renewal, both in the indications for
treatments and in surgical techniques.
In Vascular Surgery, particular importance has the complex aortic aneurysmal disease of both thoracic
and abdominal components.
In the past, the first line of treatment for these diseases was of exclusive domain of the “Open” surgery
which, however, was characterized by significant complications and mortality.
Currently the continuous technological evolution of both endoprosthetic devices and diagnostic imaging
allows the treatment of potentially fatal vascular pathologies with minimally invasive procedures.
The endovascular procedures, within the limits of the correct indications, ensure favorable short and
middle term results.
During the various sessions of the Congress a large number of specialists will debate the most recent
progress regarding topics of particular interest, focusing on the comparison of both specific clinical
cases and different orientations resulting from daily clinical experience.


Session 1 | Iuxta – Pararenal Aorta
Custom and off-the-shelf devices. Choice between anatomical indications and results
S. Camparini
Time is our enemy. Techniques and devices out of IFU
N. Leone
Can ESAR prevent proximal type I endoleak in the long term?
R. Giudice
Ch-EVAR. What’s the role today in the face of the evolution of devices?
A. Freyrie
Does conformability have an impact on the outcomes of endovascular repair of AAA with angulated
infrarenal necks?
F. Pecoraro


Session 2 | Case in the box
Open reapair for ruptured AAA caused by type 1 a and B endoleak in suprarenal endograft fixation
M. Ruggiero
Home-made fenestration in emergent iuxta-renal AAA REPAIR
R. Chiappa
Rescue of dislodged renal stent during F-EVAR for treatment of type 1a endoleak
M. D’oria
Endovascular bail-out of thrombosed renal arteries as complication of aorto-bifemoral bypass
F. Guarini


Session 3 | Platforms development
Latest overview on fenestrated aortic stent graft. Ongoing european experience
S. Ronchey
What’s new with pre-cannulated Off the Shelf E-nside Endograft
M. Antonello
The advantage of polimeric ring in no-neck AAA
E. Pasqui
Radial force modulation. Should we consider a new concept of aortic stent graft?
G. La Barbera
Semi - custom made aortic stent graft concept for proximal fixation augmentation in zone 0 TEVAR
N. Mangialardi
Phisician modified endograft. A promising technical solution or same fate of the Parallel Graft?
M. Piazza
“In situ” fenestration for complex thoraco-abdominal aortic aneurysms
D. Angiletta
Traumatic aortic injuries. Time is life. Italian Navy setting
P. Sperti

Session 4 | Case in the box
Ultra-low profile PMEG for treatment of symptomatic iuxtarenal AAA in patient with aorto-iliac obstructive disease
C. P. Dionisi
Complex treatment of chronic TBAD
A. Molinari
PANAMA technique for treatment of complex aortic dissection
S. Pirrelli
Zero contrast EVAR in complex aorto-iliac anatomy
E. Chisci


Session 5 | Thoraco-Abdominal Aorta - part 1
Treatment of chronic TBAD: state of the art
Y. Tshomba
Chronic TBAD. Indication and techniques for septotomy to prevent enlargement of the false lumen
G. Parlani
Relamination techniques to stabilize aortic dissection
C. Bugna
Spinal cord drainage for aortic repair: To drain or not: when and what are the risks
U. M. Bracale

Strategy and technique to safeguard visceral arteries patency in TBAD realignment
R. Pulli

Session 6 | Thoraco-Abdominal Aorta - part 2
Mini-invasive approach to treat complex thoracic aortic pathologies. Lesson learned after 300 cases
P. Veroux
Supraortic debranching. Will it survive despite the development of the devices?
F. Talarico
Fate and treatment of Target vessel endoleaks after F/B-EVAR
E. Ducasse
Concomitant carotid artery stenosis and complex aortic disease
C. Setacci
Is there any concern on endograft stability/durability after “In-Situ fenestration”? Preliminary results of techinical analysis
G. Torsello

Session 7 | Case in the box
Management of post-dissection TAAA, with very narrow aortic lumen, using new custom-made features
G. Simonte
Acute TBAD. A never ending story
P. Sirignano
Type V TAAA treatment in patients with multiple arterial aneurysms
G. Bafile
Comparison of two branched OTS endograft devices for iuxta and para-renal AAAs and TAAAs: advantages and limitations
M. Orrico

Session 8 | Aortic imaging
IVUS. Can it really affect the results?
R. Prunella
FUSION. Does it really make the difference?
A. Antico
CO2. Just a revival or a step ahead in less invasive procedures?
M. Ferri
FEVAR. Is it feasible without iodineted contrast?
E. Gallitto
Augmented reality and endovascular procedures
E. M. Marone
Artificial Intelligence and aortic aneurysms Follow-Up. How to prevent complications
E. Ducasse

Imaging for acute syndromes
M. Ganimede
Fiber Optic RealShape (FORS). LumiGuide 3D technology
G. Panuccio

Session 9 | Case in the box
Fusion imaging in treatment of complex TAAAs
F. Stilo
Preliminary experience of aortic arch disease with a new TBE
M. Mudanò
Complex TBAD with collapsed true lumen. Is IVUS a step forward?
G. Roscitano
Endovascular treatment of an ascending aorta pseudo-aneurysm complicated by aorto-cutaneous fistula by
trans-apical approach
M. Majewski

Session 10 | Aorto-iliac
How to optimize the accesses for EVAR
S. Bonvini
Percutaneous access-related complications in EVAR
A. Esposito
Assessment of Anatomic Suitability for Iliac Branched Devices
P. Desgranges
Whenever possible, should we preserve one or both Internal Iliac Arteries?
D. Esposito
Treatment of proximal type 1El. Strategies and outcome
G. Colacchio
Hypogastric embolization and external iliac artery extension. Is it still a good tool in distal type 1El treatment?
G. F. Veraldi
Embolization of the sac for type 2 El. Between empiricism and reason
M. Piazza
Percutaneous Large bore vascular closure devices. Multicenter Italian Experience
E. Martelli


Obiettivo formativo

18 - Contenuti tecnico-professionali (conoscenze e competenze) specifici di ciascuna professione, di ciascuna specializzazione e di ciascuna attività ultraspecialistica, ivi incluse le malattie rare e la medicina di genere

Mezzi tecnologici necessari

Caratteristiche Hardware e software per la fruizione dei corsi
Pc con sistema operativo Windows (windows 10 o superiore)
Mac (OS 10 o superiore)
Dispositivi Mobile (per la fruizione dei corsi se realizzati con tecnologia compatibile)
I più recenti browser web aggiornati (es.: Chrome, Firefox, Edge)
Connessione Internet
Amplificatore audio con altoparlanti (per la fruizione dei corsi con contributi audio)

E’ consigliato utilizzare browser web aggiornati all’ultima versione.

Procedure di valutazione

La prova di apprendimento potrà essere eseguita al termine della FAD, cioè dopo aver seguito l’attività formativa. La prova consisterà in un questionario compilato direttamente on-line a risposta multipla con 4 possibilità di risposta. I partecipanti per completare il questionario di apprendimento avranno a disposizione un massimo di 5 tentativi. Il questionario dovrà essere svolto entro i tre giorni successivi alla data di conclusione dell’attività formativa. Per acquisire i crediti ECM è necessario rispondere correttamente ad almeno il 75% delle domande. Sarà possibile compilare on-line anche il questionario sulla qualità percepita


Responsabile scientifico

  • gl
    Dott. Gaetano La Barbera

Elenco delle professioni e discipline a cui l'evento è rivolto

Medico chirurgo

  • Cardiochirurgia
  • Cardiologia
  • Chirurgia Generale
  • Chirurgia vascolare

Tecnico della fisiop. cardioc. e perf. cardiov.

  • Iscritto nell'elenco speciale ad esaurimento
  • Tecnico della fisiop. cardioc. e perf. cardiov.


  • Altro


  • In formazione
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    Corso disponibile gratuitamente per i dipendenti del Gruppo Garofalo Health Care, previo riscatto e iscrizione con codice vaucher.